Our Services...What we do
Planning & Development Strategy
Set yourself up for success by starting with the end in mind. Working with LSA, you can be confident that you have a robust, resilient and realisable strategy that can be readily adapted to take into account changing situations.
Site Development Appraisals
Knowing what pitfalls lie ahead is essential to securing commercial success. LSA will bring all of its experience to help you make smart, early decisions.
Planning Applications
At the heart of what we do…day in, day out. If you want to give yourselves the best chance of success, with LSA you are in safe hands.
Planning Appeals
Things don’t always go right but when that happens, LSA will give you an honest assessment of what needs to be done to secure consent. If it’s not possible, or uncommercial, we’ll tell you. And if it can be fixed, we will guide you through every step of the way.
Site Promotions
When the right words said in the right way at the right time are important, we can be there to ensure you have the best possible representation.
Public Consultation & Community Engagement
Its not just how good your scheme is or how hard you push. Much of the time it’s about getting the right support and building a coalition of the willing. At LSA we have years of experience in this area and can help you go further, faster.
Appointments & Co-ordination
When you need the assurance that you have selected the right team to do the right job in the right way at the right time, that’s when LSA’s experience and breadth of relationships comes to the fore. From selection advice to scheme project management, we have the experience.
Expert witness
When good isn’t good enough, people turn to LSA. Having provided Expert Witness support for over 20 years, you are in truly safe hands.
Enforcement advice
When things have got serious, you can’t afford to compromise. It could be the difference between retaining and losing your home or business. Talk to us about what you can do.